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White Post Farm and JJ the Magician!

Phab Nottingham's second trip of the academic year was definitely one to remember! We began the day with a fun-filled visit to White Post farm in Farnsfield. We spent all morning exploring the farm and learning about all the different types of animals, and some were lucky enough to be fed by us! Not only did the wonderful staff at the farm let us cuddle their cute pets, like rabbits and guinea pigs, they let some very brave members of Phab hold their snakes and cockroaches. In the aviary, we were amazed to see birds flying down onto our hands, to eat some seed we offered them! Just before lunch, we saw many more animals such as llamas, reindeer (how festive!) and meerkats, to name a few. It's safe to say, it was a wonderful morning!

After we filled up on lunch, we boarded the coach and set off back to campus. As we arrived in the hub, JJ the magician was set up and waiting for us... it looked so exciting and we knew we were in for a treat! His magic show was hilariously funny and we all could not stop laughing - then he very kindly let some Phab members up to the front to join him with the magic! We had no idea how he performs his tricks, but we all agreed they were so cool. A funky disco and some party games later, everyone at Phab was so tired after such a great day! What a wonderful time we all had. A huge thank you to everyone who came and made it so special! See you all next time.



If you need to contact us immediately before or during a trip please ring +447394694661.

Phab Nottingham is a Registered Charity in England & Wales (Charity No. 1153383)

Phab Nottingham is an affiliated body of Phab Limited

Registered Office: 82 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TF.

© 2018 Phab Nottingham

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