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Black Country Living Museum 2019

On Sunday Phab set off for the Black Country Living Museum to learn the story of the Black Country and how it changed the industrial landscape worldwide!

First, we explored the underground coal mine and experienced the authentic sights, sounds, smells and tastes from the past. We learnt about the men, and sometimes boys, who worked there and the challenging conditions they worked in. Next we took a boat tour of the caves and canals surrounding the museum, we watched a light show in a cave and saw the traditional methods of pushing the boat through the tunnels.

After lunch we sat in on an Victorian school lesson… just when members thought they had finished school for two weeks! We learned to recite our alphabet backwards and forwards and learnt what would happen to naughty children in Victorian times.

A massive thank you to everyone who came on the trip. We had a phabulous day and hope to see you again soon.

Click through the slideshow below to look at the pictures from the day.


If you need to contact us immediately before or during a trip please ring +447394694661.

Phab Nottingham is a Registered Charity in England & Wales (Charity No. 1153383)

Phab Nottingham is an affiliated body of Phab Limited

Registered Office: 82 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TF.

© 2018 Phab Nottingham

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