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Magpie Dance Halloween Themed Virtual Trip!

In our morning session we were joined by Magpie Dance, one of the UK's leading dance charity for people with learning disabilities. They brought along four of their ambassadors and their live drummer.

First we did a warm up to get us ready for dancing and then took it in turns to think of different Halloween related dance moves! Once we'd mastered our moves, we had to choose the order in which we'd perform them to create our dance routine. Some of our moves included the ghost, the vampire, the bat, the wizard and the skeleton. To make our routine complete we chose a beginning and ending pose, this also helped our drummer know when to start and stop playing!

With our choreography sorted, we rehearsed it several times as a group and then split into two groups to perform the number. It was great both performing and watching our final routine as we got a chance to dance and watch our peers having fun! After giving each other feedback, we did some stretches to cool down.

In the afternoon session we split up into break out rooms for a catch up, singing, dancing, and some spooky Halloween-themed activities. In one of the break out rooms we played guess-that-famous person - but all the celebs were carved into pumpkins!

In the other break out room we had a disco and too it in turns to pick out the songs. At the end of the sessions we came together in the main room for a Halloween sing-a-long! Some of our favourite song selections included the Monster Mash, Time Warp, and Thriller. We loved seeing everyone's dance moves; everyone really got their groove on!

It was great to see so many people dressed up for Halloween and we hope you all enjoyed yourselves. We were definitely impressed with how much everyone threw themselves into the activities!



If you need to contact us immediately before or during a trip please ring +447394694661.

Phab Nottingham is a Registered Charity in England & Wales (Charity No. 1153383)

Phab Nottingham is an affiliated body of Phab Limited

Registered Office: 82 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TF.

© 2018 Phab Nottingham

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