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White Post Farm & Robin Hood Gymnastics

Last Sunday we had our first off-campus trip of the year! It was a cold & misty morning as we boarded the coach, but that wasn’t going to dampen our spirits. Everyone was excited to see all the animals as soon as we arrived at our first stop: white post farm.

We split into two groups to make sure we could look at everything both inside and outside. Inside was home to giant rabbits, lots of goats, a few pigs and even a parakeet! We were free to explore before getting called in for an animal encounter where we were given the chance to meet Posie, Peach and Poppy. They were a rabbit, a hamster and a mouse and the room went quiet as they were taken around to meet everyone.

Outside, the goats and sheep flocked towards us as we were armed with loads of animal feed for them. Exploring further, we got up close to cows, fluffy pigs and wallabies which we were all fascinated by!

After a quick stop for lunch, we packed up and left for our next destination: Robin Hood Gymnastics Club. This was the first time Phab had gone so everyone was very excited to find out what it was going to be like. 

We all quickly found our favourite activities in the gym as there was so much to choose from! From trampolines and a foam pit to beams and bars, everyone was taking part with a big smile on their face. There was also an activities room so that we could have a rest from the gym, where we could draw, dance and play games.

Overall, it was a great trip with some new experiences and some old trip favourites, we look forward to seeing everyone on the next one! 


If you need to contact us immediately before or during a trip please ring 0115 718 0118

Phab Nottingham is a Registered Charity in England & Wales (Charity No. 1153383)

Phab Nottingham is an affiliated body of Phab Limited

Registered Office: 82 Wandsworth Bridge Road, London, SW6 2TF.

© 2018 Phab Nottingham

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